What does an ACTUAL itinerary look like on Virgin Voyages? To be honest, I can’t stand using the app (yes they are currently working on a new version). I manage my entire vacation using iPhone notes (I look at the app sparingly, I write down what I want to attend in my notes).
This means I’m not depending on the wifi (the premium wifi tends to be GREAT, but not 100% of the time) and I can ALWAYS quickly see what I’ve got going on next without waiting for the app to load and show me.

Below is what I ACTUALLY did on Virgin Voyages during my April 26, 2024 Dominican Daze
The key to reading this
Strike through is what I tried to do,but didn’t have time to do.- Multiple **** means we DEFINITELY wanted to do this or were BOOKED to do it
- Single * means it’s something we really WANTED to do, but not necessarily booked for it
Fri 4/26/24 – Miami Depart
- 11am Leave
- 1:45pm Embarkation
- 5-5:30pm Solo Sailor Meetup (Athletic Club Deck 16)
- 5:30-7pm Sail away party
- 6:45pm Dinner with social sailors
- ****8pm dinner at The Wake
930 acappella- 10pm Miss Behave Show
- 11pm PJ Party

Sat 4/27 – Sea
- 9am VHS class
10-11am Solo sailor meetup- *11am Bingo with the Diva
- Noon Zumba class manor
- *2pm manor singing show with the hostess
3:15 roundabout game show- 3:30-4:15 HIIT class
3:45 the dock music4pm roll out class4:45 SIP band latin tunes- ****5:15pm Ship Show
7pm Cabaret with the Diva- 7:30pm Duel Reality
- 8:30pm Glam station
- ****9:15pm Test Kitchen
- 11pm We Fancy

Want to see some DAILY PRINTED itineraries?
Then check out this blog post for examples!

I’m going to be honest: I’m a super savvy traveler and I didn’t believe travel agents could get a better deal than me..
Until I was proven wrong by a *TOP 100* Virgin Voyages travel agent who beat every price I compared.
Learn more by clicking here!

Not sure if we can get you the best deal? Learn more about us in Virgin Voyages Facebook group by clicking here!
Sun 4/28 – Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
- 8am spin drop in (leave 7:45)
10am Pickleball(raining)- ****11:30am The Wake brunch
- 1pm EST Livestream (watch it here)
- 2-5 thermal suite spa
- ****4-4:30 Bungee class
- 5-5:30pm core class OR ***roll out class
- 6pm roundabout for myth of scarlet night
- ****6pm Extra Virgin
- 7pm Scarlet Night
That’s right! I did a livestream this day! Want to see it? See it below or click here!
If you’re wondering – Wait, did they get off the ship?
The answer is NO. Why? It was pouring rain this day and our original plans (to go on a chocolate factory tour) was cancelled. Check out this blog post if you want to see some example tours at Puerto Plata!
Or you can watch a video about what to do at Puerto Plata! Click here or see below
Mon 4/29/24 – Sea
9am Zumba- ****10am Spin class
- 10am pickleball
- ****11:15am Razzle Dazzle Brunch
Noon Boy band dance class1-4pm high tea1:15 the dock music- 2pm Acapella
- 3pm Bingo with the Hostess
- Tapas at The Dock
5:30pm Solo sailor meetup- ****6:30pm-7pm Yoga
- 7:30pm Untitled dance show party thing*
- ****8:45pm Gunbae
10-10:45pm VV Cabaret w/The Singer- Band in the manor

Tues 4/30/24 – Bimini, Bahamas
- 9:30 LEAVE
****10am SUP yoga11am we run this beach- *1pm Float on
- 5pm Zumba
- 7pm Yoga
- 730 around the world w the diva
- 8:30pm VV Cabaret with the singer
- ****9:15pm Pink agave
- Circus disco

Wed 5/1/24 – Miami Arrive
- 10am disembark ship
Want more?
Get TOP TIPS in the Printable Virgin Voyages Pocket Guide
Want all the MUST-KNOW tips in in a PRINTABLE GUIDE to have with you while sailing?
Don’t miss out on the Virgin Voyages pocket guide which summarizes all the KEY things to know and serves as your go-to while you’re on the ship.