Life is TOO short not to be having a great time. Having fun should be easy.
But is it?
And are YOU having as much fun as you want to be having in life?

I’m joined by my boyfriend, Meatball to record a podcast episode exploring the topic of FUN.
Despite the hard SH** that’s happened in life, he has made it his J-O-B to have a great time with the time he has LEFT in this life.
Key Points from the Episode
- Tomorrow is not guaranteed. When health challenges and losses in life make this fact feel VERY REAL, it allows us to make the most of what we have and live from a place of gratitude for being alive.
- People will judge you. It’s just the way it goes – but it’s up to US to decide if we care about that or not. Often times, people can’t have fun because they are too caught up in what others think of them or how others are judging them.
- Embracing spontaneity and allowing yourself to follow your gut and heart toward fun adventures, guaranteed, make some of the best memories in life. Allow yourself to let go, be spontaneous, and have fun.
- Who do you keep close to you? Surrounding ourselves with positive, fun-loving individuals will naturally CREATE a fun environment. If the people you spend the most time with are NOT fun, it’s VERY hard to have fun with them.
About the podcast
Inspirational stories to help you be just 1% more badass than you were yesterday. Our BIG badass moments in life are made possible by the the culmination of our SMALL badass moments. I keep it REAL.