Too often we hear about “signs of burnout” or “make sure you have a self care practice to avoid burnout” but what we DO NOT hear are the honest stories of what burnout looks like.
In this podcast episode 28 of Everyday Badassery, I give a very raw and very honest look into what burnout looked like for me.
Burnout is VERY common, but often people don’t like to admit to it or share it because it feels like failure. We’re human. I share my story in hopes of empowering others to acknowledge they might be burned out (and to get ahead of it), or to help others share their own stories.
Most importantly I share what I personally did to get over my burnout. It takes some people years, I was determined to get back normal within a few months and this is how I did it…
7 ways to overcome burnout
This is how I personally overcame my burnout in a matter of months. It’s all about taking care of YOU and bringing YOU the most care, joy and happiness.
Consider this: of everyone in the world, you know you best.
1. Spend time in the places you love the most
When you’re in an environment that makes YOU feel alive, it’s easier to feel like yourself again. I went to the Bahamas – I needed to be IN, ON and AROUND the ocean. The sound of the waves, the smell of the salt, and the feel of the sand on my feet were exactly what I needed for a month.
2. Move in a way that makes you happy
When you are physically moving your body in a way that makes you happy (for me: twerk yoga, rollerblading, paddling), it’s easier to MOVE and SHIFT your mindset as well
Spend time focusing in on what’s really important to you. I like to ask myself questions like “if tomorrow were my last day on Earth, THIS is what I would do today”.
Who do you love the most? Who do you want to be spending time with?
What do you love to do? GO DO IT.
4. Focus on love
Love is everything. When you are surrounded by the people you love and they can support you through you burnout, you’ll come out on the other side a lot FASTER than going at it alone.
5. Declutter your mental and physical space
I love Marie Kondo’s book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying up. I use it in a way most people don’t – which is yes I tidy up my literal space, but I also tidy up my relationships.
I like to ask myself “can I hold this relationship in my heart (i.e. think about this person) and find absolute joy?”. If no, I shelve it. In other words, I don’t cut that person out of my life, I simply put that relationship on the shelf for a bit. Like a great book I’ll read again, I’ll pick it up again later. But for now, see ya later.
6. Surround yourself with the people you need NOW
This might also mean it’s time to examine that shelf and pick up some books (i.e. relationships) that you haven’t been in touch with for awhile. Consider WHO you need around you right now. For me, I needed to chat with some old friends I haven’t caught up with in awhile who have also experienced severe burnout.
7. Create a morning routine you absolutely love
Mornings for some people are joy. For others, they are dread getting out of bed. How you start your day sets you up for the REST of how your day will go.
My morning routine consisted of taking the time to make the perfect cup of coffee. Then I would DANCE. Not for a long time, just a couple minutes, and I’d dance along with the Fitness Marshall in this easy to follow along (and very ridiculous) dance videos.

Resources mentioned in the podcast episode
If you think you are feeling burned out or are already there, I like this article from Thrive Global for learn about the 12 stages of burnout
Other episodes:
While traveling in Tri Cities, Washington I had an opportunity to film a podcast episode with Yancy Wright, the owner of Casa Alternavida. He shares in Everyday Badassery podcast episode 21 about his own story of burnout and how it led him to open his retreat center in Puerto Rico.
I did a 12 Hour Walk – a way to disconnect with the world to become completely reconnected with yourself inspired by Colin O’Brady. Learn more in this multi-episode podcast and vlog series here.
On my road to recovery I joined an accountability circle with two of my favorite people: Apryl of The Cheerful Mind and Gary of Breakthrough Play. You can learn more about their accountability circle here.
About the podcast
Inspirational stories to help you be just 1% more badass than you were yesterday. Our BIG badass moments in life are made possible by the the culmination of our SMALL badass moments. I keep it REAL. Made with love WHILE TRAVELING.