I was thinking about how I could edit and create (because that’s what I do 24/7) an insanely cool holiday and New Years card. Then I thought… why don’t I just write what’s on my mind and send it to the people I really f*ing care about. Then I thought.. why don’t I stick it on my blog and lazily send a link 👀
So here’s… exactly that. You’re on the very short list of people receiving this. There are also likely typos. Fyi.
2022 was big year of travel for me. It was a year of saying “yes” to every opportunity that came my way. It seemed like a dream to nonstop travel without paying for it (or being paid to do it) and this is the year I did exactly that … and took EVERY trip.
It meant 2022 was one hell of an adventure. I lived on a bus creating videos for one of the biggest brands in the world, I went to A LOT of conferences and spoke on stage about flying drones, I traveled to 39 cities by June (and then lost track after that), went on 6 cruises with Meatball, broke a Guinness world record while being dressed as a dinosaur at the World Domination Summit, spent a month living in the Bahamas, white water rafted in 39 degree water, saw 57 turtles in 57 minutes while scuba diving in Bonaire, did a roadtrip with my parents, later learned to be a solid pickleball player with my sister in San Diego and flew drones over 1,200 times.
Let’s just say it was a wild year and a wild ride. As a result of launching more podcasts, more channels and reaching and helping millions of people to travel smarter and fly drones, I felt like I lost touch spending time and connecting with the people I really care about. I was everywhere around the world, but absent from a lot of the places and people I love. I’ll raise my hand to admit that even when I WAS with people I love in places I love I was mentally absent. This was a year of a crushing amount of work and I burned out hard.
2023 is a year that I dial back and then dial in on what matters. I’ll purposely travel less and (just) maybe I’ll relax a bit (with a glass of champagne, my rollerblades on and pickleball paddle in hand)… so get ready to hear from me more!
Wishing you A HAPPY 2023!

Hi Christine,
Thank you for including me in your New Year’s card list. I really enjoyed reading your adventurous 2022 year-end recap. All I can say is wow, you’ve been in a whirlwind.
If you do dial down in 2023, hopefully you can come home more often and spend some time with family and friends. That would be great!
Take care, be well and stay safe.
Happy and prosperous new year to you.
Lots of love and many blessings,
Auntie Wawoo
Love you Auntie!