Planning to fly your drone in Tulum? Before you take off, it’s crucial to know what you’re up against.
Spoiler alert: I absolutely hate flying my drone in Tulum.
This blog post cuts through to the essentials, covering Mexico’s drone laws, local challenges like corruption, and navigating tricky areas so read on for more helpful tips.

What are Mexico Drone Laws
Before we dive specifically into Tulum (which is it’s own beast in many ways), it’s important to first talk about what the actual drone laws in Mexico are.
Flying drones in Mexico is relatively straightforward if your drone weighs under 250 grams, like the DJI Mini.
These lighter drones don’t require registration and are generally easier to fly under the radar—quite literally.

However, for larger drones, Mexican laws stipulate registration, a process reserved for Mexican citizens. This presents a huge challenge for foreign drone flyers (i.e. you and me traveling into the country).
Despite these clear guidelines, the reality on the ground—or in the air—can be markedly different. Laws are one thing; enforcement and local interpretation are another.
It’s IMPORTANT to start any research with the GOVERNMENT website. This is where I always start, I recommend you do the same. On that note, the government website is in Spanish, so I recommend you use Google Translate if you don’t know how to read Spanish.
Don’t forget to pack THIS!
Tulum is not just a “beach vacay” it’s also a JUNGLE vacation. There are many items I WISH I packed on my first trip.
Get a free printable pack list and save yourself the headache!

Corruption CAN be Common
Unfortunately, my experiences, underscore a disconcerting aspect of drone flying in Mexico: police corruption.
The ideal scenario is to fly unimpeded, enjoying the beauty of Tulum from above. Yet, the reality often involves navigating encounters with local law enforcement, which can quickly become expensive. I’ve learned to carry “bribe money” in my drone bag—a sad but necessary precaution in some instances.
It’s not something I’m proud about, but I share more about it in the instagram reel below.
Drone Maps Aren’t Accurate in Tulum
Relying solely on drone maps for navigation and legal fly zones in Tulum can lead to frustration. My research has shown discrepancies in these maps, with certain areas incorrectly marked as permissible. The inaccuracies extend to significant landmarks and protected areas, suggesting a broader issue of outdated or incorrect data being disseminated to drone pilots.
An example of me going through the drone map (which shows I can fly in places I KNOW I cannot fly) is in the full video below.
It’s Hard to GET to the Places You Want to Fly a Drone in Tulum
Tulum’s infrastructure presents its own set of challenges. Whether it’s the high costs and scams associated with taxis or the difficult-to-navigate roads, reaching your desired launch site can be an ordeal.
Even the process of accessing Tulum Beach for a flight involves negotiating with property owners or finding one of the few public access points, a task that’s easier said than done.

Accessing Tulum Beach Can Be Difficult
The allure of flying a drone over Tulum Beach is undeniable, yet the reality is far from straightforward. My attempts to capture this iconic location have been met with obstacles, from restricted beach access through private properties to outright hostility from locals and workers.
When someone PUTS THEIR HANDS ON ME to stop me (even though I have done nothing to provoke this), I am more than just “upset”. But again, THIS IS TULUM.
Learn with me!
In a step-by-step video courses, join me in my drone course!
No matter where you are in your journey (beginner or advanced) I’m here to help you master your drone!
It’s Common to Have to Pay to Fly Your Drone
Expect to encounter varying fees and permits required to fly a drone in certain areas of Tulum. These costs can fluctuate wildly, often depending on who you’re dealing with at the time. It’s an unpredictable and sometimes costly part of drone piloting in the area.
Posted Drone Prices VARY.
Similar to taxi fares, the cost of drone-related fees in Tulum can be as variable as the weather. Prices for permissions or access can change without notice, and often, there’s a sense of arbitrariness to the process.
Tulum Does Not Have Specific PUBLISHED Drone Laws
Tulum lacks explicitly published drone regulations, creating a grey area for pilots. This ambiguity forces drone operators to navigate a complex web of federal laws, local customs, and on-the-fly enforcement practices, often learning the hard way through personal experience.
You can read more about this in the instagram post below…
The New “Tulum National Park” Area
The designation of new areas in Tulum as national parks adds another layer of complexity to drone flying (and the maps aren’t necessarily up to date to indicate this).
National parks have strict regulations against drones, aimed at protecting wildlife and preserving the tranquility of these natural spaces. It’s essential to stay updated on these designations to avoid hefty fines and confiscated equipment.
There is Only One Small Strip of Free Beach
Tulum’s accessible beachfront is limited, and finding a spot to legally and safely launch your drone can be a challenge. This scarcity of launch sites means that even with all the necessary preparations, your options for beachfront flying are limited.
Tulum is Why My Drone is Broken
The culmination of these challenges—navigating corruption, dodging inaccurate maps, dealing with accessibility issues, and confronting variable fees—has led to more than just logistical headaches; it has resulted in actual physical damage to my drone. A moment of tension, a hasty launch, or a forced landing can quickly turn a planned flight into a costly repair job.
Bottom Line
Flying a drone in Tulum is a challenge. From navigating vague drone laws and confronting local corruption to dealing with inaccurate maps and fluctuating access fees.
Is it worth it? My answer: it depends on how much you care to get the shots (and if you “need them” for use like in a project with deliverables).
Will EVERYONE have this problem? OF COURSE NOT. Many people will have a wonderful experience and others will experience their worst nightmares. It’s all part of the gamble in Tulum which is why it comes back to “how badly do you want those drone shots?”..
Tulum EXCLUSIVE content
Tulum is NOT an easy place to travel, nor is every travel story here a positive one. Some of my HONEST stories and key travel tips are in the exclusive content including info about DRONES IN TULUM. If you’re serious about traveling Tulum, you may want to preview it!