Whether at Camp Indie or life, SHOWING UP and going ALL OUT, being AUTHENTICALLY and VULNERABLY you, and saying YES to new ideas and experiences is what makes life badass.
It doesn’t need to be all at once. It’s about the 1%. The small changes, over time, lead to HUGE change and our BIG badass moments in life.

Below is the podcast version of the speech…
Spoiler alert: it’s going to be badass because of you!
A bunch of words…
Badassery is about the 1%. It’s about being 1% more badass today than you were yesterday. Our big badass moments in life are a culmination of all our small badass moments.
- Authentically
- Vulnerably
This is your chance to speak your dreams out loud. To share it with a group of people who cares. Let us SUPPORT YOU and ENCOURAGE you to take the leap. To take the jump and to LISTEN TO YOUR GUT.
Pretty pictures that go along with my speech
I used to be in the corporate world

This is my boyfriend Meatball

FYI I’ve spent over 60 nights on Virgin Voyages “working” and creating content (for myself). If you EVER wanted to sail this cruise line, there is nothing I don’t know (here’s a taste).
I was a very shy and quiet child growing up

Me and Travis in Tepozlan, Mexico

My “Badassery Wall”
In the moments I tell myself “I can’t do this” – I remind myself of the times I’ve said this, BUT DID IT ANYWAY. To encourage myself I created a Badassery wall. Here’s how:
- Write down AS MANY badass things you’ve accomplished in your life. Big or small.
- Preferably hang them up on the wall or somewhere that is IN SIGHT
- Every time you DO NOT FEEL BADASS, go to your wall, force yourself to write ONE MORE THING
- Do SOMETHING to move your body (go for a 5 minute walk, do a breathing exercise, anything (mine was pushups) and FORCE yourself into a state of gratitude to yourself for all the badass things you HAVE accomplished on that wall)
In moments I want to quit, this is what has helped me to push on.
FYI I’ve removed lots of cards with really hilarious profanity on them cuz you know, you might not think its funny.

You can listen to the podcast episode that goes along with how to create a badassery wall by clicking here.
Things I might REFERENCE during my speech
- I fly drones. Learn more about that here.
- I am a travel youtuber. This is my channel.
- I have a podcast called Everyday Badassery. Learn about it here.
Yes I do it for the gram.
Want more? Content with others from Camp Indie 2023
- My BADASS main stage at Camp Indie 2024 (Listen)
- The 6 things I learned from Camp Indie 2023 when I decided to F* Perfection (Listen or Watch)
- She travels the world conquering one mountain at a time with Helen Schuckers (Listen or Watch)
- TIPS for jumping into a life of FULL TIME travel with Helen Schuckers (Listen or Watch)
- F* Everything you “Should” be doing and have the guts to be *REALLY* alive with Sharon Welch (Listen or Watch)
- If you WISH you had more confidence, this one is for you with Alice Yom (Read more or watch the episode)
- The power of PODCASTING and how YOUR story can change lives with Ted Cragg (Read more or watch the episode)
- Erica Virvo talks about her curiosity that led to communes, living in a hut in Africa, tantra and more… but it’s not what you think (Read more or watch the episode)
- She’s a badass with sass and empowers others through dance with Julia Sokol (Read more or watch the episode)
- She beat cancer and started traveling in a way she was NEVER allowed to with Mari Monsalve (Read more or watch the episode)
- We’re NOT on vacation, the GOOD BAD AND UGLY of digital nomad life with Nora Dunn (Read more or watch the episode)
- Embracing the hard sh** with Vanessa Tharp (Listen)
If you filled out the above form, a bunch of rad stuff is coming via email next week. If you have ants in your pants, catch me at camp. Or email me.
whereintheworldisCL (at) gmail (dot) com